Saturday, April 19, 2008

BARC visit

Today (19/4), the plant physiology students mlawat ke BARC di tanjung bunut. Awal2 atu excited plang ku p dah tekana batah bpanas2 d luar,datang cia kusut ku. I could feel that i was about to melt mcm chocholate! Nda ja ku xpect kan bpanas ane. Mun ku tau,pakai sleeveless ku..Wawawa..As if! Pakai skirt panjang lagi tkial2,apatah pkai sleeveless! Well, the trip was fun though. Lots of informative sources we got from there. At least i know the different effects of P, K and N on the leaves. Then one interesting info ja, in one plant house ada 1000 plants and utk one circle of food production, the cost u need to give is just $12. Yang paling mahal dah tu! Bayangkan sayur seikat di kadai bjual $1 satu. Lets say seikat tu ada 3 plants,1000/3 =333.3. Ertinya $333 th tne dpt tu! Lumayan~bleh kaya~hehe..Gipun ah..Method nya pun sanang wa. Nya pegawai sana, u just 'tanam,tuai,ambil'. Mudah kan~nda payah byk2 fertilizer, taik ayam pun jadi tah. Esehh..Mcm promosi becucuk tanam plg ku. Well, its a good thing tho'. Apart from that,ada jua jasa tane arah tanah. Apatah gunanya tanah siring rumah ane kan~

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