Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wednesday blues...

I don't know somehow after sahur I didn't go back to sleep at all. Wahh...my eyes just won't close! I was like sitting mengadap laptop while Qlah infront of me soundly asleep. I didn't know what to do so I just do my work. And believe me, I was one of the earliest students to come to campus! Huhu...around 7 am gitu! ahaha...pasalnya apa nah? kan onlining! wawawa...plus, since I couldn't sleep today (well, I did sleep before sahur but then only for about 3 hours), I decided to take an early shower (tho' its really cold!)and zoom jalan ke kampus. Time atu lagi ujan rintik2. Dalam atiku 'mun ku tido ne, nyamannnnn rasanya~' huhu...well, today my class will finish at 2pm so I may have the chance to go and take a nap. haha...takut ada mata panda wa...apane..

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