Assalamualaikum all!
Wow, in a few days nda lagi batah Ramadhan akan meninggalkan kita dan kita akan meraikan kedatangan Syawal. Well, frankly speaking, it's a bit sad for me to leave Ramadhan pasal I haven't done much to make good use of this holy month. Tapi, I like it when the first day of Hari Raya comes. It's when we kneel down and salam parents early in the morning right after sembahyang sunat Hari raya asking for forgiveness and all. Kalau di flashback raya dulu dan raya sekarang, the mind totally changes along with time. Masa kanak2 dulu, i was so extremely excited kan beraya pasal dapat duit angpow! if dulu, boleh di kira2 duit angpow diri ane sampai $50! biasalah, rajin beraya ke rumah2 urang. But now, trend kanak2 beraya ke rumah2 jarang lagi diliat. Don't know why. When I was in 16 or 17, raya is the time for me to tayangkan baju raya baru and still hoping for angpow. haha...As time changes, mind also changes. Raya becomes more meaningful. At this age (24 years old), I can't wait to see my relatives, bersalam-salaman, greetings and asking forgiveness and having fun during raya. I don't know what it's gonna be like when I was 30s, 40s or even 60s.
Tapi paling penting, right now, enjoy every moments you have with your loved ones. Who knows what might happen in the future. And anyway, lads: